Friday, January 22, 2010


So sometimes I dream about how public financing alone could radically change politics and power in this country, but never did I ever even think of campaign financing laws getting WORSE!!! That thing that happened in Mass is fucking depressing. This is fucking systemic. Money is power; ain't no two ways about it.

Here's a tweet from Princeton Prof Melissa Harris-Lacewell (via RaceWire): I'm declaring Massive Resistance to corporate personhood: Humans Today, Humans Tomorrow, Humans Forever!

And a tweet from self-defined political drapetomaniac Ludovic Blain (also via RaceWire): I'm digging how many white folx r realizing bc of 2day's SCOTUS case that this was nvr really their country in 1st place

Time to take those blinderssssss off, eh?

And no, you cannot become tall blue sexy people on a magical planet. Our planet is 3-D too!


Aunt Claudia said...

Hey Lucas. Here are some articles by some good thinkers that say it might not be as bad as it seems.

I find when I am faced with reality, I always have to go back to what Gandhi said: Be the change you want to see. Because that is all we can do, even if it seems it's not enough.

Lucas said...

hey aunt claudia,

glenn greenwald is def a smart dude, and i appreciate his dperspective of the case. It's a good point that corporations do deserve protections (such as the right to not be subject to unwarranted search and seizure), but I also don't think that that means corporations and people should be equated under the law.

Unfortunately "not as bad as it seems" appears to be true, but only because corporate influence in the government is already quite "bad" and deeply entrenched, without this ruling or not--a viewpoint Greenwald agrees with.

Thanks for the comment!